Yunnan to Hold 2024 “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon” Mid-Autumn Festival Cultural Exchange in Vietnam

“On the night when the moon shines brightest in the year, people far and wide admire it together.” As the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the Information Office and the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province will hold the 2024“Blooming Flowers and Full Moon” Mid-Autumn Festival Cultural Exchange in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam, from September 15 to 19. The Chinese and Vietnamese people, whose friendship features “camaraderie plus brotherhood,” will share “A Lifestyle Called Yunnan.”

Yunnan to Hold 2024 “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon” Mid-Autumn Festival Cultural Exchange in Vietnam

China and Vietnam are connected by mountains and rivers. Beginning in China’s Yunnan province, the Red River flows southeast and forms the Red River Delta plain in northern Vietnam, where the city of Hanoi is located. The Lancang-Mekong River originates in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in China and stretches from Yunnan to Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia before entering the southern part of Vietnam to form the Mekong Delta, which is adjacent to the bustling city of Ho Chi Minh City.

China and Vietnam stood together wholeheartedly and supported each other in pursuing national independence and liberation in modern times. One century ago, Ho Chi Minh, the great master of the Vietnamese revolution, came to Guangzhou to conducted revolutionary activities, and 84 years ago, he continued his revolutionary endeavors while living in Kunming. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, he visited China several times, leaving behind touching stories of profound China-Vietnam friendship featuring “camaraderie plus brotherhood.”

Frequent exchanges between China and Vietnam deepen our friendship and strengthen our ties. The five-day “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon” Mid-Autumn Festival Cultural Exchange Event in Vietnam consists of a variety of activities, with the theme of “ Blooming Flowers and Full Moon, Long-lasting China-Vietnam Friendship.” These diverse activities include the Reception Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China & “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon” China-Vietnam Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, “Sharing the Same Moon” Mid-Autumn Festival Cultural Salon, and “Harmony under the Same Moon” Photo Exhibition on A Many-Splendored Life in Yunnan, with the aim to spread the vibes of reunion on the Mid-Autumn Festival, promote people-to-people bond through cultural exchanges, and support the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future.

At the Reception Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China & “Blooming Flowers and Full Moon” China-Vietnam Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, popular Chinese and Vietnamese artists and art troupes will together celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and the China-Vietnam friendship with impressive song and dance performances, conveying their best wishes to the Vietnamese people.

The “Sharing the Same Moon” Mid-Autumn Festival Cultural Salon centered around the moon will feature Chinese and Vietnamese artistic performances, tours to World Heritage sites in the two countries, interactive experiences with intangible cultural heritage, and Mid-Autumn Festival food cooking and tasting, so as to spread Chinese culture, strengthen dialogue between civilizations, and deepen China-Vietnam friendship.

The “Harmony under the Same Moon” Photo Exhibition on A Many-Splendored Life in Yunnan will exhibit 50 excellent photos about the natural landscape, history and culture, latest developments, and World Cultural Heritage of Yunnan, in order to give the Vietnamese people a taste of “A Lifestyle Called Yunnan,” strengthen people’s understanding of each other’s culture, and promote dialogue, exchanges, and mutual learning between civilizations.

As a famous Tang Dynasty poem verse goes, “the moon today has shone over the ancient people.” At present, China and Vietnam are in high alignment in terms of ideology, development path, social system, and values, and are working to further strengthen our comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation and promote the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future.

According to the hosts of the Event, next year will mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Vietnam and see the launch of the China-Vietnam Year of People-to-People Exchanges. This Event is designed to carry forward traditional China-Vietnam friendship, expand bilateral exchanges and cooperation, promote people-to-people bond, and uphold the motto of “friendly neighborliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability, looking toward the future” and the spirit of “good neighbors, good friends, good comrades, good partners,” to help ensure that China-Vietnam friendship will thrive like an evergreen tree.

