Why young people wear ugly clothes during workdays

After the Spring Festival, many young people have decided to put on their worn out and ugly clothes, and even the ugly-clothing patterns they've summarized became a hot topic online. These seemingly unkempt young people are jokingly referred to as "those who don't care about anyone in the office".

How ugly can the clothes be? Some netizens said that they are too lazy to carry a bag to work, so they simply use milk tea packaging bags or takeout bags to carry chargers and other necessary items.

Young people used to care a lot about workplace attire. But why do today's young people show such a big difference? The reasons may involve three aspects.

Firstly, the long commuting time makes many young people unwilling to spend time dressing up. According to the "2023 China Major Cities Commuting Monitoring Report" released by the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, the average one-way commuting time in major Chinese cities is 36 minutes. Beijing has the longest average commuting time of 47 minutes.

Secondly, increased workplace pressure also makes young people uninterested and unable to care about their appearance. The heavy workload and high-intensity workplace pressure every day make young people leave home early and return late, with no extra energy to dress up.

Thirdly, convenient lifestyles have influenced young people's consumption and dressing concepts. Reflected in their consumption concepts, young people pay more attention to practicality and cost-effectiveness. Online shopping makes it easy for them to shop and buy clothes comfortably.

Source: China News Service and Eastern Network; trans-editing by Wang Yunya
