New building near China-Vietnam border put into trial operation

A new building for joint inspection over the cross-border persons and cargos via highway was recently put into trial operation near the China-Vietnam border section in south Yunnan’s Hekou county.

New building near China-Vietnam border put into trial operation

The new building for joint inspection stands near the China-Vietnam border section in south Yunnan’s Hekou county.

Designed to handle 15 million cross-border passengers yearly, the building features 28 channels for manual inspection and 10 for self-service inspection. The facility is expected to boost port economy and free trade between China and Vietnam, as well as betwen China and other ASEAN countries.

People get through inspection in the new building.

The old building at the Hekou highway border gate was put into use in 2001. With the increasingly close economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between China and Vietnam, upgrading the facilities for cross-border travels and business activities has become a necessity.

The new building for joint inspection stands near the China-Vietnam border section in south Yunnan’s Hekou county.

Source: Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue
