RV camping favored by post-1960 generation

RV camping favored by post-1960 generation

RV (recreational vehicle) camping is favored by retired people of the post-1960s generation in recent years. “During public holidays like May Day, we often don’t join the travel crowds as young people are busy most of the time so they need more leisure time,” said Xu Guomin, a 62-yeaer-old RV camper from Zhejiang province.

More than a decade ago, Xu began preparing his retirement life. He loved outdoor activities when he was young, and explored self-driving tours. And after several years of retiring, he started his migratory bird-style RV camping life with friends of the same hobby.

This means that he often drives to southern regions like Yunnan and Hainan provinces during winter, but travels to northern regions like Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in summer. Once he starts the journey, he will spend months on the way. Xizang and Xinjiang are destinations that he has been for four or five times.

The allure of RV travel lies in exploring unknown landscapes. Three or four years ago, while passing through Qiandongnan Prefecture in Guizhou Province, Xu Guomin stumbled upon a picturesque scenery and stayed for a week, still unforgettable to this day.

"Traveling in an RV alone is not as fun as traveling with companions. We usually travel with RV friends heading in the same direction. Along the way, we also meet RV friends from all over the country, mainly people of similar age to us," Xu Guomin said.

To Xu, the charm of RV camping and traveling lies in exploring unknown landscapes. About three or four years ago, Xu drove through Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture of Guizhou province. There, he stayed for a week rivers and mountains.

This unforgettable experience really encouraged him to travel further. “RV camping gets more interesting when you go with a crew of friends. We often go with friends whose destinations are of the same direction,” said Xu.

Source: China Daily; trans-editing by Wang Yunya
