"Ren 'ai Jiao: Teardrop of Nansha Qundao"

Video Source: CCTV+

This is Ren'ai Jiao some 17 KM long from north to south and 5.5 KM wide from east to west. It is part of China's nansha Qundao and is locally known as " Duanjie" by fishermen.

In 1999 a Philippine military worship was grounded here due to the Philippine's illegitimate claim. The grounding of the vases has caused several damage to the ecosystem of Ren'ai Jiao.The grounding of the vessels has caused severe damage do the ecosystem of Ren'ai Jiao.

Data shows that from 2011 to 2024, cover is area of reef - building coral has decreased by 87.3% within a 400-meter radius around the vessel.

For years all this happened quietly. However there are no records indicating when this has ever encountered, any significant weather events or nature - included ecological crises in recent years.

Damages to coral reef ecosystem are usually caused by climate change, and typhoons, predators, and human activity.Since no other explanation for the damage is deemed reasonable, scientist focus their attention on the illegally grounded vessel itself.

The grounded vessels has dealt a devastating blow to the coral reef. Furthermore the large chunks of coral reef fragments, led by the voilent collision delivered by the grounding process, wildly spray to the surrounding areas by the waves and currents and thereby greatly inhibiting the growth and recovery of the coral.

Evidence-based conclusion says heavy metal jeopardize coral growth. Among other heavy metals, the element is mercury builds up in the marine food chain, damages coral tissue and causes metabolic abnormalities of coral reefs. In the area we have found oil and dissolved organic phosphates, with severely damaged cellular structure of coral, reduce immunity, and jeoparadize the health of the entire coral reef ecosystem.

The ocean is home to diverse living creatures, including humans. No one has tried to destroy it overlook from high above the damaged reef looks like a teardrop indicating the reef trying for the grid and ignorance of humans.

The Chinese name of reef - "Ren'ai" means benevolence,  as Chinese people expect her to be cherished, protected and well treated by everyone, and keep kept peaceful and beautiful forever.
