“Mini trains" help Huize villagers harvest pomegranates

“Mini trains" help Huize villagers harvest pomegranates

Some 55,000 Chinese acres (about 3,667 hectares) of soft-seed pomegranates in Huize county of Yunnan province have entered the harvest season. This year, some farmers installed monorail transport systems in their orchards, and the train-like machines proved helpful.

In Yanshui village of Huize, Xi Youying owns over 20 Chinese acres of pomegranates, and she has installed a 300-meter monorail with some iron frames, allowing the bamboo baskets full of freshly
picked pomegranates to be directly transported from the orchard to the roadside.

As the “mini train” is easy to operate and can move in both directions, it can also transport fertilizers, pesticides, farming tools, and more.

Source: Xinhua; trans-editing by Wang Yunya

