Eric's Insight: Yunnan ushers in bulks of investment via industrial transfer

With the theme of "Sharing New Benefits of Industrial Transfer, Building New Height for International Cooperation", the 2024 China Industrial Transfer and Development Matchmaking Activities (Yunnan) took place in central Yunnan’s Kunming city on September 8.

Eric's Insight: Yunnan ushers in bulks of investment via industrial transfer

Key projects are signed at opening of the 2024 China Industrial Transfer and Development Matchmaking Activities (Yunnan).

The matchmaking event highlights Yunnan's advantages in energy and resources, and the total value of contracted projects is estimated to exceed 330 billion yuan. Most of the projects belong to the industries of low-carbon silicon, biomedicine and information.

Now that the global research and development of new medicines have gone deep into the discipline of cell and molecular biology, Yunnan, as a trove of natural genes and a kingdom of microorganisms, provides the resources and conditions for cutting-edge scientific research. The province is a natural source of innovative medicines and an ideal place for medicinal R&D.

Projects are signed at the biomedicinal sub-event.

Jin Zhuanglong, Chinese minister of industry and information technology, said that his ministry would help Yunnan to develop new energy, new materials, biomedicine and other characteristic industries based on its functional positioning and industrial basis. “We need to better guide the orderly and gradient industrial migration, promoting new industrialization and building a manufacturing powerhouse in Yunnan,” he said.

At the special sub-event for the biomedicinal industry, an overwhelming majority of the signed projects are related to cultivation of medicinal herbs, herbal plant extraction, inspection and testing, traditional Chinese medicine, ethnic medicine, medical devices and others, covering the upper, middle and lower streams of the biomedical industrial chain.

Yunnan biomedicinal products are displayed at the sub-event venue.

The contracted projects match perfectly with the advantages of biological resources in Yunnan province, and they also represent the current trends of biomedicine. The projects will effectively play the role of "biomedicinal catalyst" in Yunnan’s overall industrial transformation and upgrading.

Sources: Workers Daily and Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue
