चीनले पनि दिन लाग्यो कोरोनाको खोप
चीन सरकारले डेढ लाख नेपालीले दुई डोजको दरमा लगाउन मिल्नेगरी तीन लाख कोरोना खोप दिने भएको छ ।
सिनोभ्याक कम्पनीद्वारा उत्पादित उक्त कोभिड-१९ खोप आज माघ १८ गतेसम्म २ करोड चालिस लाख जनालाई लगाइसकिएको र त्यसको प्रभावकारिता ७९.३४ प्रतिशत र यसले उत्पादन गर्ने एन्टी बडीको अनुपात ९९.५२ रहेको काठमान्डौस्थित चिनियाँ दूतावासका पोलिटिकल र प्रेस प्रमुख वाङ्ग सियाओलोङ्गले मिडियाकर्मीहरुलाई जानकारी दिएका छन् ।
आपत्कालिन प्रयोग र बिक्रीका निम्ति यो खोपले सरकारबाट मान्यताप्राप्त गरिसकेको र हाल नेपाल, पाकिस्तान, संयुक्त अरब इमिरेट्स, हङ्गेरीसहित १३ देशलाई तत्काल उपलब्ध गराउने प्रक्रिया शुरु भएको बताउँदै वाङ्गले यथासक्य खोप नेपाल ल्याउन आधिकारिक निकायसङ्ग समन्वय भैरहेकोसमेत जनाएका छन् ।
उनले दिएको जानकारी यसप्रकारको छ :
China and Nepal are good neighbors, good friends and good partners. facing whatever challenges like the earthquake and the pandemic, the two countries have always supported and helped each other through thick and thin. In order to implement President Xi Jinping’s solemn commitment that China will make its vaccines a global public good once available, and on the request of the Nepali government,the Chinese government has decided to provide 300,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccines in grant assistance to Nepal, which would benefit 150,000 Nepali people. Despite huge demands for the vaccines both in China domestically and across the world at present, the Chinese government has prioritized Nepal in providing the vaccines, fully demonstrating the great importance it attaches to the China-Nepal friendship.
The vaccine donated is developed by the Sinopharm and has already got conditional marketing approval in China. More than 24 million doses have been administrated by January 31st. After a two-dose inoculation procedure, the vaccine shows 79.34% efficacy against COVID-19, and the seroconversion rate of neutralizing antibodies reached 99.52%. The safety and effectiveness of the vaccine has surpassed the marketing standards of the World Health Organization, and received wide recognition by other countries. So far, the vaccine has got licenses for marketing or approval for emergency use in 13 foreign countries including Pakistan, the UAE, Egypt, Hungary, etc.
The Chinese Embassy is coordinating with relevant Nepali authorities on the registration for emergency use and receipt of the vaccine and would like to deliver the vaccines to the Nepal side at the earliest so as to help Nepal win the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chinese side is willing to work together with the Nepali side to build a community of health for all and further strengthen and promote the strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity between the two countries.